
虽然严格来说,夏天要到六月至才开始, the Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start to the summer vacation season for many of us.

同时为旅行做准备, here are some cybersecurity best practices and tips to keep you and your data secure on the road.   


是的, 我们知道这个建议读者们已经听了很多年了, 然而,在旅途中记住这一点仍然很重要. With the growth of internet providers placing free wi-fi connection points in cities, 以及提供车内连接的航空公司和运输供应商, threat actors will continue to use fraudulent wi-fi networks to connect to devices with malicious intent.


如果你真的需要网络连接, 注意一些常见的恶意网络警告信号. These include connections that require no credentials (the adage of nothing is free rings true here) or networks that are misspelled/mimic legitimate networks from airports or mobile carriers. 

如果你仍然不确定或者想谨慎行事, you can purchase mobile hotspots from authorized internet providers that may offer pay-as-needed plans ideal for a short trip.


With gas prices reaching record highs and the price of everything in general greater than years’ past, 可以理解,许多美国人都在寻找最划算的度假产品. 在研究度假套餐或计划旅行时, don’t let an unbelievable price or deal hook you into visiting a malicious website or fraudulent situation.

Be sure to verify that you are on legitimate websites when booking trips (always verify the URL­), avoid clicking on advertisements or social media links as they may take you to fraudulent websites and do not respond to unsolicited phone calls or emails offering deals too good to be true... 因为他们很有可能是.


Many smart devices offer the option to automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks when in range. While this feature is useful when enabled to secure networks that you trust such as your home or work connection, 我们建议禁用任何自动连接选项.


我倾向于只在需要的时候下载应用程序, 旅行的时候, 我知道我需要为我的旅行下载几个.

从登机到入住酒店, 苹果公司2009年的商标标语“有一款应用可以解决这个问题”在2022年仍然适用. Add on the many large theme parks requiring visitors to have an app to make ride reservations and you can see why managing app permissions and your data is so important while on the road.

尽管应用商店在移除欺诈应用方面做得很努力, 仍然有一些可以从裂缝中溜走. 在下载度假应用程序时, be sure to verify you are downloading official apps and granting the proper permissions when setting up your account. 在下载应用程序之前需要验证的详细信息是开发人员的姓名, 网站和下载和评论的数量.


Physical threats are also a top concern for your data privacy and security when on the go. 如果携带设备旅行, we strongly recommend (and most companies require) you to always carry smart devices and computers with you. 如果要乘飞机,一定要把你的电子设备放在随身行李里. 如果开车, be sure to take them with you—even if just stopping to use a restroom or grabbing a bite to eat.

对许多罪犯来说, 打砸抢比黑客快得多,也没那么复杂, 但当他们销售设备时,利润同样丰厚.

还有,记住“陌生人的危险”? 每个拥有照相手机的人都可以在几秒钟内拍下别人的屏幕, so be sure to double-check your surroundings when viewing or entering personal information or passwords in public spaces. You also can find privacy protector screens online and some phones have them built in for convenience.


在打包你的智能设备之前, 问问自己是否真的需要带上工作用的笔记本电脑, 个人笔记本电脑, 工作电话, 个人手机和平板电脑. 

最近,我在打包的时候一直在问自己这个问题. Based on what I plan on doing during the trip is how I choose which devices to take, 哪些应该放在家里或办公室的安全地点.

Remember that every device you take is another entry point for threat actors to steal your data, 所以要相应地打包. 


去度假前, 检查所有设备是否有需要安装的重要更新或补丁. Most smart devices have options to automatically download updates when connected to Wi-Fi or send notifications as a reminder to manually download the update.  此外,重新启动计算机应该提示更新. These updates and patches are extremely important in protecting your devices and should never be ignored.


虽然不是纯粹意义上的“网络安全”提示, using credit cards over debit cards will add another layer of security to your trip. Using credit cards doesn’t just help you avoid the large holds hotels place on you for deposits, 它们提供了一系列功能,可以使打击欺诈变得更加容易.

在一般情况下, 对信用卡欺诈的争议是一个无缝的过程, 就我个人经验而言, credit card companies can identify fraudulent charges on an account before they show up on a statement.

另外, 使用信用卡提供了方便的特点, 包括为旅行锁卡的功能, 自动货币兑换和旅行保险在大多数情况下.


The Schneider Downs cybersecurity practice consists of experts offering a comprehensive set of information technology security services, 包括渗透测试, 入侵防御/检测审查, ransomware安全, vulnerability assessments and a robust digital forensics and incident response team. 此外,我们的 数字取证和事件响应 teams are available 24x7x365 at 1-800-993-8937 if you suspect or are experiencing a network incident of any kind.

要了解更多信息,请访问我们专门的 网络安全 呼叫或联系团队 (电子邮件保护)

想要了解情况? 订阅我们的双周通讯, 关注网络安全, at 5ru.86811.net/subscribe.





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